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There're things I never get to finish in my entire life. I never happened to finish my perfumes, novels, study carrer etc. I'm a Complain Queen!! I verbally complain almost anyTHING & anyONE around me *I just cant help it* ;)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Buzy Sunday

Today, is the buziest day i ever had, working from 10am to 10pm!
We had an official lauching of Kinder Beat + Encore programme. Only a few people came and only 2 from the list of our expected guest came for the talk and trial lesson~ Of course it wont take me 12 hours just to do this! Our monthly student concert which is more like a presentation for the students. Started at 6pm for the rehearsal after run through all the pieces then parents will sit in and the concert starts.The result was fair, if only compared to the 1st one we had last month.
Students waiting for their turn to perform
After all, was the "meeting" with my boss who flew from KK montly to have a "talk' with us. Followed by a supper together~hehe
Teacher's meeting

But thinking that followed by i'll have ONE week holidays in kuching is enough for me not to complain that much here~hehehehe. And i assume i'll gain a few more pounds after coming week! Had a list to have good food and some memorable restaurant, cafes to go! Of course i'll take as much picture as i possibly could to share with people. But now let me post one of my favorite food in kuching which i can only gorge it in less than 24 hours from now.


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