About Me

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There're things I never get to finish in my entire life. I never happened to finish my perfumes, novels, study carrer etc. I'm a Complain Queen!! I verbally complain almost anyTHING & anyONE around me *I just cant help it* ;)

Monday, January 19, 2009


For whom is marrying me。。
娶了我不知是好事还是不好, 我对我个人住和睡的地方非常讲究。有人批我为洁癖,更难听就是“难搞”。。
在金钱与物质享受的抉择间我选了“自己动手”!! 由于我和宝贝在和省钱作战,非得要想出最经济的做法来!!结果是弄了两层架子给我摆摆东西。



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