About Me

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There're things I never get to finish in my entire life. I never happened to finish my perfumes, novels, study carrer etc. I'm a Complain Queen!! I verbally complain almost anyTHING & anyONE around me *I just cant help it* ;)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Flooding, flooding......

It's been raining non-stop since saturday, the main road to town from my house was flooded with about 4" of water!! so scary!! I was stucked at home since saturday until this morning i was finally "released" *whottt"
I was lucky enough to have my astro installed last week and predicted the flood is coming in any soon, so i bought quite some food to standby at home just in case. Been cooking and waiting for hubby to come home for 3 days, I've got it enough!!There's no way i could be a 黄脸婆, so i decided no matter how i must get out from that house, and i did it, now sitting in my office---BLOGGING~ hahahaha

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