About Me

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There're things I never get to finish in my entire life. I never happened to finish my perfumes, novels, study carrer etc. I'm a Complain Queen!! I verbally complain almost anyTHING & anyONE around me *I just cant help it* ;)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Being Honest

I need to be REALLY honest to my blog since I titled it as ‘Speak out & Say something”
I was SOOOO thrilled when babe told me “someone” is moving out and getting married in just 2 months time, I cant stop myself laughing and calling my close mate to tell them about it!!
I was hoping and praying those 2 freaks will move out since the day moved in that house, and now my dream came true and I was so delighted. At the same time I’m feeling sucks! We are the 2 “left” in house and all the “responsibilities” like taking care of the folks, the house, the pet, the car……………..
These would be where all my stresses coming from. I was told I’m thinking TOO MUCH & TOO FAR right at this moment.

I've been a complaining harshly about her lately and people who listen to my complaint will title me as "Complain Queen", and yet i've not been blogging anything bad about her, until now i just share my joy in writing~....So, i'm not that bad right?

Although she’s marrying ( accidentally) ahead of me,(it wouldn’t be good for 2 couples from a family to get married in same year),its still a good news for me to be so overjoyed since last night!

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