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There're things I never get to finish in my entire life. I never happened to finish my perfumes, novels, study carrer etc. I'm a Complain Queen!! I verbally complain almost anyTHING & anyONE around me *I just cant help it* ;)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Part II & III

As previous mentioned, I always kept a record of how much we spent on each valentine, this year I lost the count of it as we celebrated it TWICE!!...The story goes like...............

At first it was a little disappointment as babe told me he's tired to cook and we ended up to eat outside. I chose to go Tanahmas, it was the BIGGEST mistake i've made!! We both were ALLL dresses up, I even get a new pair of eye-lashes just for the event.

We arrived at 8pm sharp, expecting an excellent night and gorgeous food to be served. There were all together 4 courses and it cost us RM 227nett for the dinner. GUess what we had for the appetizer??? It was------------------------------Sushi roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK????? sushi for the appetizer??? No PHOTO was taken as it was too UGLYYYYYYY!!! and then the sweet corn but not so concentrated soup, follow by the main course, I had chicken chop and babe had beef, the dish was so roughly decorated, oookieee it tasted fair though. We're both very disappointed so we spent 45 minutes to finish off the dinner.

Our Reserved Table

Me with dessert


So, we DECIDED to cook for ourselves our dream dinner like just the next day!! We started preparing at 5pm, had dinner at 7pm...hahhaa....2 hours preparing, finishing in 30 minutes kakakaka....

Chef Frederick Chieng
He's the one who do all the cooking..hehe

I'm the one who get all the ingredient ready....

All the ingredients, we had:
Potatoes, french beans, mushrooms, chopped onion

Sirloin Steak............*yum yum* even though its abit over-cooked~~

Chicken chop was just nicely done....*Drollll*
P/S: Look at the mushroom soups we've got, SOOOO concentratedddddd...

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